Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Week 7 - Fusion 360 model design

Designed my three rectangular prism model. First planned on paper then transferred the faces slowly to fusion 360. It was easier than expected.

My design:

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week 5 - Current and ideal room


Added existing furniture to my exterior room. Includes a bed, table, drawers, bookshelf, and wardrobe.



Added a new corner table and my keyboard to the left side. Added a makeup table and mirror to the right side, some stairs to lead up to the new upstairs area, and some aesthetic storage shelves underneath the stairs. The upstairs area has a bigger bed and balcony with a large soft seat.

Bottom left
Bottom right

Upstairs area

Friday, March 20, 2020

Week 5 - Paper Folding

The paper folding exercises were fun to do, but I do not think I will use any of these techniques to add anything structurally to my future room.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Week 5 - Model exteriors


The exterior of my bedroom made with plain paper. Easy to cut but very flimsy. Was not able to glue so I used tape instead.


Cardboard was much better to work with. It was harder to cut but still easy. Very sturdy and glued well together. Will continue to work with cardboard rather than paper.

These were made at a 1:15 scale due to my own personal preference.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Week 5 - Planning and measuring

I measured the dimensions of my room and the furniture within with a tape measure. I drew a rough layout and input all the numbers. My cat likes to help. One might call it a problem, I call it moral support.